Ty’s Tries: Pickles!

Those pickles look pretty good… want to make your own? Here’s how: INGREDIENTS 3/4 cups HOT WATER 1/2 cup WHITE WINE VINEGAR 6 tbsp SUGAR 1 tbsp SALT a bunch of whatever veggie...


Ty’s Pies: CHIPS! (and guacamole)

Now that you have yourself a whole batch of fresh, homemade chips, it’s time for some guacamole! INGREDIENTS 1/2 ONION, chopped 1 TOMATO, chopped 1 JALAPEÑO (optional), seeds removed, chopped 1 small bunch...


Valentine’s Day Tricks

In honor of Valentine’s Day, the holiday of looooove, I have some very special guests from The Kitchen Decoded here to teach us some heart-shaped recipes. For more from The Kitchen Decoded, pick...
